Let’s Make A Movie

Hey y’all!

This last month flew by. At least it did over here.
We are juggling a ton of stuff on our end, and I cannot wait to share it all with you. Let’s just get right into it shall we?

First things first. Today is 7.25. Meaning July 25th. MEANING! Song #2 from my album is officially out for your listening pleasure. That’s right, “Stat” is now yours. This one feels bittersweet. Reason being, once a song is released, it no longer feels like it’s mine. Once it’s out, it is able to be interpreted a multitude of ways. That’s also one of the biggest joys of creating any piece of art. The knowledge that it will most definitely mean a dozen different things to a dozen different people. But for me, I like to think of unreleased music as little secrets. Little pieces of myself that nobody has seen/heard yet. So, once they’re out, it’s as though you all know me a little better, and that’s cool, but a little scary as well. Vulnerability. Hell of a drug.

Second! If you haven’t yet, take a couple minutes and check out the song! It’s a shorter one than you’re used to getting from me. Considering my first single ever was over 6 minutes long, this is a nice change of pace. As I mentioned before, this song is the first song on the album. So, there are some context clues as to what the album is going to be about. Gotta listen close to find them.
Third thing! Some track/album updates for you as we continue to chip away. “Life Don’t Wait” was originally set to be the last track on the album. In fact, when I decided to make an album rather than an EP, it was on the precedence that “Life Don’t Wait” was the ideal button to end an album with. Well. We’re all wrong at some point. The song has since been moved to track 10. There’s a great reason. Don’t you worry. Curtis and I went over to our friends at Mad Muse Studios to record some grand piano. I’ve wanted to have authentic acoustic piano for ages, and I finally decided, this project is the one to do it on. So off we went. While tracking piano for one of the tracks, Curtis played a melody that nearly knocked me off my chair. I mentioned that I wanted to write something to it eventually. Well, eventually came quick. After he finished the next track, I decided to scrap one of the songs entirely, and demanded that we take 10 minutes and write a song based off the melody he just played….It maybe took us 5 minutes. What we got, is quite honestly, one of the prettiest pieces of composition that we’ve ever written. Truth be told, Curtis and I haven’t written a song together in years. But if you were wondering if there was any rust, there was not. I can’t wait for you to hear it. All of it. It’s just. Ugh. Anyway.

Fourth thing! I briefly mentioned in the last volume of our newsletter, that I’m making a movie. Well, I’ll say it again in bold font so you really get it this time. I’M MAKING A MOVIE! Not a music video, not a little 6 minute vignette. A movie. It’s coming together very quickly, and I am over the moon about the entire pre-production process so far. Without giving anything away, it’s a short film, about 25 minutes in length. Maybe slightly over that. There are 4 characters. And it will be done by the end of the year. That’s what you get. For now. There will be a decent amount of behind the scenes footage gathered over the course of production, that I will most definitely be sharing with y’all here. With the family.

Last thing!
Total transparency here. Buckle up.

Making a movie costs a lot of money. Myself and the incredible production team, (Backyard Dream Studios) have found cost effective ways to make things happen, but even so, the task of making a film, worthy of rewatching, costs a lot of money. Now, I fully intend on paying for this film, myself. I’ve done crowd funding before, and I’m extremely grateful for everyone that supported that campaign. However, my goal with everything I create, is to have it speak for itself. What do I mean by that? Well, I’ve been making some cool, exclusive merchandise over the course of the year, in hopes to 1: Push my art, and 2: Raise funds. So, where do you come in? Well, here are some examples of ways you can help support these projects: Buy merchandise from my store, share your favorite tunes of mine on social media, suggest my music to friends, tell folks about this newsletter and encourage them to get on the mailing list, come to a show and bring a friend along!

Now, most of you in this family already do at least one of these things. For that, I thank you.

The reason why I’m hammering this home for this set of projects especially, is because I believe that the themes and topics I discuss on this album, can and will help people navigate through these weird, scary, uncertain times. The world has changed quite a bit since March of 2020. A lot of people are dealing with stresses and worries that they never had to deal with until now. It’s a scary place to be sometimes. Luckily, we’re in it together.

So, all that being said, I’ll leave you with a little affirmation. Something to remember when you feel like you’re drowning.

Stillness isn’t stagnancy - You are enough - You are loved -

See you August 22nd.

Peace and love,

Upcoming Shows:

August 14th - Sofar Sounds - Los Angeles, CA
August 20th - America’s Rock ‘N’ Roll Circus - Kenosha, WI - Get Tickets
August 24th - Sofar Sounds - Los Angeles, CA


Beautiful Madness